Challenges can be a good thing

When we look at challenges we also have to look at our view of ourselves. Challenges can be a good thing. It can stretch us to be a perfect Pearl of ourselves. Let’s talk about the challenges in our lives that we can control. We can control our inner emotions to how we react, which lead to our outer reaction. Psalm 37:8 “Don’t give in to worry or anger, it only leads to trouble”. If you do, you see it? Listen see it in Proverbs 29:22 “People with quick tempers cause a lot of quarreling and trouble.” We should be trying to stay away from those kinds of people. There are many scriptures telling us about anger and what it does to us, but our answer should be Proverbs 15:1 ” a soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh words stirs up anger.” Think on this! Ephesians 4:31 ” Get rid of all bitterness, passion and anger. No more shouting or insults, no more hateful feelings of any sort.” Do you see why? If you don’t get rid of the bitterness of passion so burning within you, it changes you. It also can create a physical sickness. Take a step back look at yourself and say why am allowing this to control me. Put boundaries around you, for you. Realize this is not what’s going to affect me, I won’t allow it. Galatians 5:22:23 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, peace, patience, kindness, goodness faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law”. What No Law! Great, Yes! We want to join with the nine fruits God is talking about for our lives. Then we will have better control and take a firm stand, so we won’t be shaken. Now listen, God talks about fruits that means its so SWEET AND YUMMY for our lives. If we sit in our clam shells trying to figure it all out and how to get out, we are not living our full beauty of our life. So let us go and do it! Look at each fruit below and look at scripture. Finally find out what each one of them mean to you and what it means to your life. If you are struggling with one of the fruits, find out why ask yourself are you setting boundaries. Are you allowing others to control your fruit. Are you lacking any of the fruit? Explore kindness your neighbor, the cashier. How would it make you feel? Look up each definition in the dictionary and also what it means in the Bible. Let us create a simple pearl a polished one to look at—-You darling.

One of the Major elements to our growing, I have learned from a influential Doctor. I will explain. I have been applying myself and it Works. I have to share this with you. First there is the Stimulus —- directing you. Example: Someone says something to you and your stimulus is to get angry. When you put in place Stop, Challenge, Choose then your out come is your response. The outcome is to gain more control over your world and no longer will you be competing with others, instead you are looking to better control your world (yourself) Whola! I think his analogy works. I know from first (1st) experience. So what does Stop mean for you: If your stimulated by something, you should Stop then challenge yourself by asking what is it that I feel and why? What would I gain? What is the outcome? Example if its food: Do I really want that cake and what would be my results, or I just need water. Or Could it be you just want to hurt the person back by saying unkind words. Maybe if you just stop and say hey those words hurt me and I don’t appreciate and I won’t except them. By during this you won’t let angry get hold of you, you make the choice not the other person not your anger. Then you will say I will have to talk to you later, when we can listen to each other. Or if your feeling unsure of a feeling and your mind is scrambling around, with all kinds of thoughts every which way. Stop take deep breaths and inhale and exhale several times. Then you choose the outcome. Without challenging yourself, you won’t be able to refine the fine pearl you really are. Come on let’s do this together. It takes time seeing the true value. the value God sees in you. This may come with your own challenges. When we face challenges, we think we have to know what to do, but in reality we just have to know who is on our side. 2Chronicles 20:12 ….” our eyes are on you. Seeing yourself through Gods eyes will take you on a journey through your life. Will you be ready? Will you be willing? Will you change your mindset? Will you be ready for new habits to form you, like a Pearl formed inside a hiding place, safe? Come by later and find out.

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