Now your in my window

You were my cuddler, my snuggles, my huggies. You gave me your unconditional love. You grew my heart to be bigger than what it understood, but I was willing to let it expand for you my Pokey boy puppy.

You were my fluff a nutter, my little fellow. Your hair was white as snow and you had these big black/brown button eyes peeping out of all your fluff a nutter.  You loved playing peek a boo, as I covered you under the covers and loved being tickled. You surely had a smile. You showed me that dogs can smile too.

I experience so much from your understanding of things.  My puppy Pokey you always looked at me, as I worked on my computer, and you so wanted to know what I was doing.   I told you it was a window, so you ran to the window to see. I laughed because you thought you would see something out there and I was amazed how you understood.  Before long you thought the TV was a window, so you ran to it and watched.   As you watched I knew you could understand the differences between people and animals,  because you’d  barked at the animals or cartoons with tails.  You’d run to the window until I had to change the station.    Little did I know you were comprehending it on your level.

Although, we can no longer share our cuddles, hugs and tickles, I don’t want to say Good-bye.    Instead you’ll be in my window.  Each time I turn on my computer or open my phone you’ll be there too on the other side of the window.

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