Their quote’s that hold my hand

As I read and try to apply the many quotes of yesterday, I think “what can I hold on to before they turn to dust”.

I speak to the many that went before me:

What quote’s do you have for me today from yesterday

I seek for comfort and wisdom and instruments of ores, so I can apply them and navigate my life

Oh, quotes of yesterday

Will you hold my hand, these quotes before me?

You fill the air from your wisdom spoken from your yester year

Will you give me the hope, so that I too can achieve my quote of life, for my yester year

And when I learn the quote that takes me there, I will breath out and pass it onto others

Will then my sails be full of wind or will they lay flat and motionless?

Will the quote be strong enough to pull me through?

As I look at my hands; and believe your quotes’s to be true, it’s becoming clearer, I am leaving an abyss behind

If your quotes are as you say my friend of yesterday, I will hold your hand into tomorrow.

No, I don’t expect questions to be answered, so I don’t ask for final answers from quotes from yester year

Will I reach you?

Will I surpass you?

Or will your quote’s be broken instruments of navigation.

As I listen to the sounds of your past quotes whispering in my ear, I hear them recycling within the wind

So many who have reach from yesterday to bring their gifts for today.

That there might be in their quote, a gift for me from a ” tomorrow’s today”, and I might be that quote a gift for you “Tomorrow’s today.

I think about the old quotes of yester year, so full of life, turning in the air

Oh, yes! I think this time is right

I will release a quote “Go forth this is the way” and fill my air for my yester years

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